- Daily for all market instruments.
- EOD, evaluated and theoretical prices.
- Volume traded
- Clean, dirty price and accrued interest.
- YTM / spread
- Days to maturity
- Coupon rate
- Adjusted duration, convexity, etc.
- Auditable methodologies
- Customers’ right to challenge prices on a daily basis.
Having trouble finding reliable LATAM data?
We have prices on more than 100,000 financial securities in the region.
Independent, fair value prices of financial products in Latin America, generating daily valuation prices with more than 20 years of experience.
We can provide you with:

End of day prices

Historical data packages
- México From 2000
- Colombia From 2013
- Costa Rica From 2008
- Panama From 2010
- Peru From 2011
- Access to Latam countries

- Structured products
- Securitizations
- OTC derivatives
- Liquidity indicators
- Benchmarks and local debt indices
- Real assets (private equity)
- Counterparty credit risk (XVAs)

Interest rate curves
- Government risk
- Projection rates
- Cash flow discount rates

Real time data on OTC markets
- Trades, bid, offer and size
- Market depth
And much more…